Bioshock's Rosalind Lutece in her drawers by Claire Hummel

… I figured I might as well give everyone a leg-up with a more detailed guide to Rosalind Lutece’s potential underthings. I’ve seen a ton of drawings of her in corsets from a good 50 years before her time and I… I needed to step in.

The idea of fan art leading to art based around popular fictional characters that is, at best risqué, and at worst downright pornographic is not a new phenomenon. We’ve rarely seen the original creator handle this reality with so much pragmatism or so much good character design and artwork. In this single one of several beautiful illustrations, illustrator Claire Hummel tells us how to undress Bioshock character Rosalind Lutece, accurately. —S

via Ligne Claire (So the problem with designing characters who…).

Viva La Resolucion